Thursday, June 10, 2010

Non-Traditional Advertising in Berlin

Non-traditional advertising is a form of advertising that is not atypical. And in Berlin that is exactly what you see! All over the city there are many different advertisements that are created in non conventional ways that catch your attention easily. The advertisements are also strategically placed in areas where most tourist and locals visit.
A perfect example of a non-traditional advertisement would be Oakley sunglasses marketing campaign. The campaign was entitled as “Rebel” and was launched in June 2010. In Berlin, the advertisements take on a different approach to make its presence to the audience. The advertisements are only placed in multiple subway stations around the city. The advertisements are over saturated and are positioned on the subway walls, subway columns, the stair cases, the subway pillars, and on the floors. I believe the ads were a good example of guerilla marketing because the ads come at you all at once and in a unique way. The ads feature professional extreme sports athletes such a Shaun White, Julian Fields, and Kyle Forks. The ads depict them in action while they are surfing, snowboarding, etc. I believe that the marketing team found this style of adverting to be successful because it catches the audience’s attention and gives them different angles to look at the product.
While traveling throughout the city of Berlin, I noticed that some of their advertisements are displayed in more advanced techniques. For example, another form of non-traditional advertising would include ads that are integrated onto an LCD screen slide show. This form of advertising is seen in enclosed locations such as the train stations, subway stations, the shopping centers, and some dining areas. There were many different products that were featured in the LCD screens such as apparel. I find this form of advertising to be most useful because it allows the audience to feel as though they are in the comfort of their home watching the television. The LCD screens are very bright and crisp and leave no room for misinterpreting the advertisement.
Also, another form of non-traditional advertising that I have seen in Berlin is the ads that are placed in rotating columns. I have noticed these rotating columns in the subway stations, bus stations, the train stations, and at the shopping centers. The rotating column gives the audience about three advertisements to see simultaneously one right after the other. I believe that this form of adverting is successful because the columns are continuously advertising to many people at the same time.

In conclusion, I found that the advertising forms that are developed in Berlin are quite fascinating. They use creative techniques that really catch the eyes of the audience whether it’s your target market or not. The non-traditional forms of advertising that are utilized in various areas around the city include heavy saturation in one location, the use of LCD screen slide shows, and the use of rotating columns. All of these methods are strategically thought out and do the job they are supposed to do if any- gain awareness!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your observations. The strategy behind the ad campaigns is incredible. I am the most taken with the Oakley ads, the over-saturation in the stations is completely effective as far as raising awareness goes because I never notice theses ads in America. With their strategy it makes it hard to not notice the brand. The strategy was extreme and I guess that is also what they are trying to convey. I was also taken by the advertisements on the LED screens. This medium definitely grabs my attention every-time. I even notice that I still watch the LED screens even though most of the advertisements are actually in German. I would say the marketers back home could learn something from these strategies.
